Energy is back in the spotlight; it's right
at the centre of political debate in the UK. Firstly, the Labour party
announced that if it was elected in 2015, it would apply a price freeze to
energy companies until a more effective regulatory and price- fixing system
could be established. Unsurprisingly, energy companies pointed out that such a
move would leave them vulnerable to raw material hikes with no prospect of
recovering their margins; such risk would blight potential investment.
Now, following concern expressed about
recent energy bill increases, former Prime Minister John Major has ‘bounced’ the
Government to announce energy price reductions. Interestingly this has included
cutting the so-called ‘green tariffs’ built into energy bills. This is an
indication that green concerns are slipping down the order and is perhaps a
clearer reflection of the political mood, namely one of scepticism over climate
change and carbon taxes in a time of economic downturn. Obviously, it is neither
comfortable nor desirable to find pensioners having to choose between heating and
eating over the winter season; nonetheless, there is apparently a latent
reluctance to invest in green energy or a low-carbon economy until it seems
absolutely necessary. Nuclear power is back on the agenda as a way forward,
even if some new power stations seem to be financed by China and France.
Part of the political reluctance must come
from conflicting engineering ‘stories’. Most prominent is that early
technologies such as on-shore wind farms are inefficient, even
counter-productive, as they contain high amounts of embedded carbon. It is
often the case that early –adopters are disadvantaged as technology advances,
but that is the way.
There have been a lot of press stories recently;
the Financial Times ran a full pull-out section with contributions arguing both
ways. But public opinion still seems interested in sustainable options. As
always, the devil is in the detail; some quick-fix solutions are dubious in the
longer view. But the fundamental course we are on does need to be fairly
settled. At the moment we are hesitating, with neither the alternative energy
sector nor more traditional energy companies having a clear plan on what to do.
This does cause difficulties for investment and planning. We have seen how the
Australian government who was ‘brave’ and ‘out there’ in carbon reduction terms
has now backtracked. The US is feeling energy secure, buoyed by new reserves
and using fracking, OPEC has tightened its grip on prices and production and
Russia is similarly increasing output and exploring (openly controversially)
the deep arctic.
It seems apparent that energy needs and
security are driving ever greater carbon production. What no government can
afford is for the ‘lights to go out’. To see a shift in this route will require
some real determination, international resolve and perhaps some new science.
David Jackman
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