We hear a lot about Plan ‘A’ and Plan ‘B’ at the moment, as
the downturn drags on. Plan A describes continuing austerity and Plan B (not to
be confused with the successful band!) trumpets stimulus with, of course, the
attendant increases in debt. Just now, with the UK, following France and the
US, in losing its AAA credit rating the debate is intensifying in the run up to
the budget next month. The official line is ‘stick to Plan A at all costs’. In
fact, the debate in the UK has shifted to a more pessimistic note of whether or
not to deepen and hasten the cuts.
But you could argue that Plan A and Plan B are two sides of
the same coin, offering the same kind of progress, or lack thereof, through
different means – if based on divergent economic philosophies. What people may
prefer is a Plan ‘C’, with more fundamental re-thinking of what progress really
means and how we achieve it, some clever alternatives based on pressing
economic, social and environmental issues? Sustainable development provides us
with underpinnings for such questioning. It focuses on intergenerational and
intragenerational equity. It sets the stewardship of limit resources at the
heart of the debate and seeks ways of co-operation ahead of exploitation and
disproportional consumption.
May be sustainability offers a value as a source of
important questions as much as it provides technocratic answers? It is easy to
get sucked into detailed issues of low-carbon energy production or recycling –
albeit important subjects (see the advice on this website) – without
considering the bigger picture. As well as mastering the mass of information
available, it is simply being involved in this debate that this site also tries
to foster. This helps you to feel, and genuinely be, part of something
important that affects us all.
We encourage you to get in contact with and preferably join
or support local sustainability groups. There are many green business networks,
sustainable/transition town initiatives, recycling schemes and school or college
based projects. Let us know what you are doing, and what interests you. Tell us
what’s going on out there (regardless of where you are) and how we either have
helped or can help. Send us stories we can pass on. It is so encouraging for
everyone else and provides a richness of practical detail too!
David Jackman