Both sets of Games are united by the same aims of common
endeavour and striving for excellence, and both rebuild our confidence in human
achievement and the human spirit. But the Paralympics has an extra special
dimension, of battling against the odds, of overcoming often immense obstacles
and demonstrating tremendous determination. The backstories of some of the
athletes are truly amazing.
The Paralympics tells us a lot about sustainability. It’s a
showcase of the resilience and adaptability right at the heart of the sustainability
theme. Individuals and families, often caught unaware, have had to cope with
difficulties and limitations. They have had to find ways round what must seem
like huge blocks in the road and have come out with something hugely positive.
Technology has played its part in liberating many
participants, providing them with a mechanism to take part or improve their
performance. Not all countries are equally advanced, but there is a sense of
sharing expertise to raise the overall level. This is how sustainable
development works – or should work – the sharing of ideas, pushing back
boundaries, reducing limitations and finding innovative and imaginative
solutions together.
The Paralympics opening ceremony was as instructive as Danny
Boyle’s awe-inspiring Olympic opener. The Paralympics’ curtain-raiser focused
on enlightenment, enterprise, scientific advance and sensitive creativity. We
all learnt something. We learnt that disability is a part of the rich diversity
of human experience; we learn more about what success looks like, we learnt
more about the world this generation and subsequent generations might try to
create and we learnt a lot more about the power of the human spirit.
I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel very optimistic
and more motivated to pass on a world in as good a condition as possible.
Sustainability could do with being and appearing to be more positive, less
grumpy. And it is a wonder how empowering putting so-called ‘disability’
centre-stage can be!
David Jackman